Our Vision

The GAA Commitment to Social Justice through Development is based on a Vision and Core Values:

  1. Personal humility in engaging with local communities and individuals

  2. Talking less and listening more

  3. Solving local problems with solutions that exist at the local level

  4. Enabling the poorest and most vulnerable people to improve their education and their economic and social position

  5. To work with people as equals

  6. To see that an appropriate development response is dependent upon our willingness to recognize that the needs of the vulnerable are changing, and that simplistic solutions of the past will not succeed.

“Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man (woman and child) whom you may have seen, and ask yourself if the step you are contemplating is going to be of any use to them. Will they gain anything by it? Will it restore them to control over their lives and destinies?”
